434 research outputs found

    Kleegrassilage versus Stroh als Raufutter: ein Systemvergleich in der Öko-Ferkelaufzucht

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    Roughage offer is obligatory in organic piglet feeding. In Germany, grass-clover silage or straw are usual. A comparison of these two roughage sources demonstrated that the offer of grass-clover silage resulted in an improved live weight development, whereas piglets’ health status and loss rate remained unaffected. It is concluded that silage offer is beneficial for piglets and should given priority to straw

    Zur Mastleistung und Schlachtkörperqualität von schweren Schweinen unterschiedlicher genetischer Herkunft aus ökologischer Mast

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    ZCastrated heavy pigs of > 160 kg body weight are used for traditional pork specialties (e. g. air-dried sausages) due to the required fat quantity and quality. Today most organic production systems use modern hybrids (Hy) with often insufficient fat features. The use of endangered breeds with high body fat synthesis capacity, e. g. German Saddleback (Sa), could be an alternative with a positive effect on maintaining biodiversity. This study with a total of 132 castrates analysed the effects of 3 different genotypes (Sa, Piétrain*Sa, Hy) and 2 different roughage sources (grass-clover-silage, straw) on performance, carcass-, meat-, fat-, and product-quality. The present paper deals with performance (PF) and carcass quality (CQ). It was found that PF and CQ are both influenced (p<0.0001) by the genotype but not by the roughage source. Hy showed the best and Sa the poorest PF (e. g. 804 g vs. 624 g daily weight gain). Concerning SQ, Sa showed the highest and Hy the lowest fat yield (32.2 % vs. 54.2 % lean meat content). Piétrain*Sa always ranked in the middle. It is concluded that endangered breeds are suitable for traditional air-dried sausage production from the viewpoint of PF and CQ

    Pädagogische Kompetenz von Fahrlehreranwärtern: eine Feldstudie

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    Mit Änderung des Fahrlehrergesetzes und einer am 1.1.1999 in Kraft getretenen neuen Fahrlehrer-Ausbildungsordnung wurde die Ausbildung von Fahrlehrern neu geregelt. Die wichtigsten Elemente der Neuordnung sind: 1. eine stärkere Betonung der pädagogischen Ausbildung, 2. darauf abgestimmte Prüfungsvorschriften und 3. die Einführung eines 4½-monatigen Praktikums in Form eines Referendariats an einer Ausbildungsfahrschule. Mit der veränderten Fahrlehrerausbildung ergab sich die Frage nach deren Wirksamkeit in Hinblick auf die neue Zielsetzung. Dieser Fragestellung wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit empirisch nachgegangen. Insbesondere war dabei zu prüfen, ob und gegebenenfalls in welchem Maße das Praktikum zu einer Steigerung der pädagogischen Kompetenz der zukünftigen Fahrlehrer beiträgt. Darin eingeschlossen sind Fragen der didaktischen und methodischen Kompetenzen im Hinblick auf die Planung und Durchführung von Unterricht und Ausbildung, Fragen zur pädagogischen Kompetenz auf den Gebieten der Diagnostik und Beratung einzelner Fahrschüler sowie die Analyse und Prüfung der Rahmenbedingungen. Basierend auf den vorgegebenen Zielkriterien wurde ein mehrstufiges Untersuchungsdesign verwendet mit einer explorativ angelegten Pilotstudie und einer Hauptstudie (zwei Messzeitpunkte zu Beginn und Ende des Praktikums, Stichprobe ca. 200 Fahrlehreranwärter). Als Messinstrumente kamen Fragebögen zur Selbst- und zur Fremdeinschätzung, Wissenstests und Fallstudien zum Einsatz. Darüber hinaus wurde der Prüfungserfolg in der Fahrlehrerausbildung erfasst, sowie die Akzeptanz des Praktikums. Zur Demonstration spezifischer Aspekte des Ausbildungserfolges wurden an einer Teilstichprobe Videodaten erhoben. Insgesamt lässt sich festhalten, dass die Feldstudie ein überwiegend positives Bild der Ausbildungsqualität der reformierten Fahrlehrerausbildung allgemein und des Ausbildungspraktikums im Besonderen gezeigt hat.Based on a modification of the law for driving instructors in 1998, the education/training of driving instructors has been changed since 01.01.1999. The most important points of this modification were: • a stronger emphasis on pedagogical aspects in the education/training of driving instructors; • adapted rules and regulations of the examination and • the implementation of a practical training in a driving school. This should lead to more pedagogical competence of driving instructors. The goal of the present study was to explore where the modified training is effective and to what extend the new training of driving instructors leads to more pedagogical competencies. This includes the investigation of several aspects. Points of interest were especially the competences in teaching, diagnostic and advice as well as the examination of the general training conditions. To analyse these aspects empirically, a multistage evaluation study design was used. This included an explorative pilot study and a main study (with repeated measurement points at the beginning and the end of the practical training and a random sample of approx. 200 driving instructor trainees). Questionnaires for self- and external assessment, knowledge tests and case studies have been applied as measuring instruments. Furthermore the success in the examinations and the acceptance of the practical training was evaluated. To show specific aspects of the training success, several lessons taught by the driving instructor trainees were videotaped and analysed. In general the results of the study showed, that the new training for driving instructors has a high-quality and leads to pedagogical competence. This was insofar surprising as the general training and study conditions turned out to be exceedingly difficult

    Erste Ergebnisse zur Mastleistung, Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität aus einem Versuch zur ökologischen Ebermast

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    Die Mast intakter männlicher Tiere stellt eine Alternative zur Ferkelkastration dar. Neben dem Problem des Ebergeruchs, verursacht durch die Leitsubstanzen Skatol und Androstenon, unterscheiden sich Eber in der Mastleistung, der Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, zwei verschiedene Endstufeneberherkünfte und zwei verschiedene Fütterungsstrategien im Hinblick auf Mastleistung, Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität miteinander zu vergleichen. Dazu wurden auf dem öko-zertifizierten Versuchsbetrieb des Thünen-Institutes für Ökologischen Landbau in Trenthorst bis jetzt 147 Eber bis zu einer Lebendmasse von 115 kg, aufgeteilt in vier Versuchsvarianten, zwei verschiedene Endstufeneberherkünfte (Pietrain, Duroc) und zwei Fütterungsstrategien (Kontrollgruppe, Zusatz von 10% nativer Kartoffelstärke am Ende der Endmast), gemästet. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass zwischen den Versuchsgruppen keine Unterschiede in der Mastleistung, Schlachtkörper- und Fleischqualität bestehen. Die tägliche Lebendmassezunahme und der Muskelfleischanteil liegen im Bereich von ökologisch gemästeten Sauen und Kastraten. Des Weiteren zeigen sich keine PSE-Qualitätsabweichungen und keine Integumentschäden

    Einfluss von Genotyp und Fütterung in der ökologischen Mast intakter männlicher Schweine. II: Mast- und Schlachtleistung

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    The object of the study was to test the effect of (i) two different terminal sire lines (Danish Duroc, Du vs. Piétrain, Pi) and (ii) two different feeding strategies (without (-) vs. with (+) raw potato starch prior to slaughter) on performance, carcass quality, and meat quality in organic intact male pig fattening in connection with boar taint reduction. The results confirm the known differences between both genotypes also in intact male growing-finishing pigs. The feeding strategies remained without noteworthy effect. Hence, the choice of terminal sire genotype can completely be adjusted to the requirements of the marketing goal. But the present results still do not justify a final recommendation concerning the choice in connection with boar taint reduction

    Betriebseigenes versus zugekauftes Futter für Öko-Ferkel: Unterschiedliche Fütterungsstrategien und ihre Auswirkungen

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    Based on organic agriculture´s aim to produce as regionally and self-sufficient as possible, animal feeding should be mainly based on home-grown feedstuff. This poses a special challenge in feeding of piglets, who require highly digestible diets and highquality protein. Therefore, a feeding trial was conducted to compare various singlephase, 100% organic feeding strategies for piglets before and after weaning, differing in the proportion of home-grown feeds. Each strategy consisted of one out of three concentrates and one out of two roughages. The type of roughage did not affect animal performance, but the concentrate with the highest proportion of home-grown feed and accordingly lowest quality led to significantly slower growth, while the concentrate conversion ratio was best for the highest quality feed. Despite these differences, the time and amount of feed needed to raise a piglet of 20 kg did not differ between the treatments. Therefore, the concentrate with the highest proportion of home-grown feed can be recommended, at least under equally favourable conditions including a prolonged suckling period of 49 days, single-phase feeding, and good animal care

    Peer-review as a teaching method

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    Friedrich A, Pucker B. Peer-review as a teaching method. Working Paper der AG Forschendes Lernen in der dghd. Vol 2, 2018. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg; 2018.Peer-reviews are a common and valued teaching tool at Anglo-American and Asian universities. Previous studies recommended a scaffolded peer-review process and pre-specified criteria. The current study investigated the feasibility and acceptance of scaffolded peer-reviews as a teaching method in German college students. Participants were 7 psychology students and 13 life science students. The students had to write a project report about a psychological experiment or genome research projects. All reports underwent a scaffolded peer-review process according to pre-specified criteria. The students’ feasibility and acceptance ratings were evaluated using customized questionnaires. The results indicated a good feasibility and acceptance in both courses, although the small samples and the different measurements impair comparability and restrict generalization. Descriptive data and qualitative comments indicated similarities between psychology and life science students. In line with evidence from other countries, this subsample of German college students provided first empirical evidence that the scaffolded peer-review might be a feasible and well-accepted teaching method. Future studies should include methodological improvements (e.g. control condition)

    A Subtle Interplay Between Three Pex11 Proteins Shapes De Novo Formation and Fission of Peroxisomes

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    The organization of eukaryotic cells into membrane-bound compartments must be faithfully sustained for survival of the cell. A subtle equilibrium exists between the degradation and the proliferation of organelles. Commonly, proliferation is initiated by a membrane remodeling process. Here, we dissect the function of proteins driving organelle proliferation in the particular case of peroxisomes. These organelles are formed either through a growth and division process from existing peroxisomes or de novo from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Among the proteins involved in the biogenesis of peroxisomes, peroxins, members of the Pex11 protein family participate in peroxisomal membrane alterations. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Pex11 family consists of three proteins, Pex11p, Pex25p and Pex27p. Here we demonstrate that yeast mutants lacking peroxisomes require the presence of Pex25p to regenerate this organelle de novo. We also provide evidence showing that Pex27p inhibits peroxisomal function and illustrate that Pex25p initiates elongation of the peroxisomal membrane. Our data establish that although structurally conserved each of the three Pex11 protein family members plays a distinct role. While ScPex11p promotes the proliferation of peroxisomes already present in the cell, ScPex25p initiates remodeling at the peroxisomal membrane and ScPex27p acts to counter this activity. In addition, we reveal that ScPex25p acts in concert with Pex3p in the initiation of de novo peroxisome biogenesis from the ER